In his book “Everyday greatness” Stephen covey says “we may think we have nothing to contribute.
But the lessons of history are full of examples of the power that can come from
the daily choices of a solitary
individual”. The first lady even in her weakness with all passion and a kind
of military zealousness had contributed immensely and meaningfully to the about
to be concluded administration of Good
luck Jonathan, and the modicum of decency of her imperial majesty cannot be
over looked. Her popular aphorism “chai!
There is God o” made me to call her “a
great theologian”. This statement “chai!
There is God o” indeed serves as a
manifestation of her person to the whole world, and that of cause clear the way
for her popularity both within the shores of Nigeria and out of the country.
From the look of things
one would see that this statement made by this very woman is such a wonderful
one, a statement that is so pregnant with meaning, in fact it is indeed an
historical statement that has no tendency of fading away in our memory as far
as the administration of Good luck Jonathan is concerned.
I have come to notice
the fact that every speech of this woman is always in affiliation with God.
Perhaps, this very woman just wants us to have that consciousness of the higher
being. However, so many Nigerians have turned her very ever pertinacious
statement to something else in the entertainment industries. In fact, according
to one of my lecturers, he said and I quote “that very woman, I mean that very woman, that one, hmmmmm, that woman
called the wife of our president, the so called first lady, that maggot is supposed
to be in theatre act”
Left to me as regard
all the statement which had been projected by this woman, I think she is trying
to say something like “these evils in our country is too much; the abduction of
the chibok girls, bomb explosion here and there, confusion created and efforts
made to even obliterate the country. So, for her, the causal agent of the
confusion and tension in the Nigerian society do not have the fear of the Supreme
Being. This is more or less the reason why she cried out loud for the whole
world to know, if at all they have forgotten, or probably to remind them that
there is one super-human, the Supreme Being, the God that is watching everybody.
Her words apparently, linked to different aspect of our situations in Nigeria.
For, corruption is everywhere, and to say that corruption is revolving round
the state is an understatement; Politicians are keeping to themselves the public
wealth, what belongs to everybody. That is greediness: chai! There is God o! So many graduates are outside without job and
government is not even making a very huge effort to solve the problem, perhaps
their own children are not within the state, how would they be affected? Hence,
they find it very easy to be less concern: chai!
There is God o! God is looking at all our activities. Amidst of these unpleasant
situations, however, man must definitely survive. Today, so many fake pastors
and churches have emerged, turning the churches to business centers, all in the
name of “man must survive”, using the name of God to lie and manipulate people
to earn money for living: chai! There is
God o! Even the so called “free education” is no longer free, government
schools and colleges no longer give text books that are supposed to be given to
students for free , the books are now been sold to them and we were promised
free education: chai! There is God o! Although
this is mostly manipulated by teachers all in the name of “government is not
paying us well” Looking at it critically, we have also discovered that even at
the grass root the corruption is very much prominent. Chai! There is God o! Should I say something about security? Oh! I
would describe the situation as a symphonic rhythm of violence and pestilence.
It seems that we have been so much acclimated to horror and ferocity that
violence, gunshots, bombings now constitutes melodic and harmonious renditions
in our ears or bombs now sound like simple knockouts. The surfeit butchery,
bloodbath and massacre by brave acts of terrorism is a slap on the government
and indeed all of us. What more can we say? Chai! There is God o! Our nation is adrift and we are all dancing
in a season of blindness to our own dirges. To borrow the words of Niyi osundare, “the current image of Nigeria
is that of a big for nothing country where
nothing works the right way, a country that is finding it increasingly difficult
to govern itself” chai! There is God o!
Conclusively, I think
the first lady is fed up with been a spectator and that is why she voiced out.
Well, today! Whether we like it or not that statement is highly germuralized,
because it is a statement that is very sensitive and in away geared towards awakening
the consciousness of God in every individual. Whether it is accepted or not is
not our concern in this very discourse, indeed what we have tried to do is to
look at the statements in another mannerism, and not just the statements but
also the personality of the woman in question both as the first lady of the
country and as a very important personnel that had contributed immensely and
comprehensively to the just about to be concluded administration which of
course is part of our historical trajectory in Nigeria, and which would continue to depict itself right
from now and to the next generation. I want you to know that we all, as citizens
of this noble country, have our fundamental human right to talk, to express our
feelings, although there are limitations to that. We are free to express our
selves not because we are in any position, but because we as human beings, have
the right to do that when situations are unpalatable. It is on this note
therefore that I would like to conclude with the words of Karl Marx “your right
is your freedom and your freedom is a freedom of choosing and not a freedom of
not choosing because not to choose is better than to choose not to choose.
A well-shape and wonderfully write up....Love this👏......keep it moving bros...God is with you