Wednesday, November 25, 2015



Uncertainty has been expressed by philosophers about the question of whether there is a genuine moral dilemma and basically this is what the exposition of DavisAnn deals with. The question of whether there is a genuine moral dilemma and if there is, what does it mean? This is an argument between the philosophers and morally engaged layperson. But philosophers according to AnnDavis who question the existence of genuine moral dilemma do not usually concern themselves with trying to disrepute the testimony of actual agents in the real world. Rather, what they are trying to do is challenge the supposition that appeals to peoples experiences (and report about their experiences) could ever be thought to provide sufficient ground for supposing that something constitutes a genuine moral dilemma. According to Ann the philosophical concern about the possibility of genuine moral dilemma which they said may lead to uselessness, incoherent and inconsistence of morality may probably be true, by the way, for the purpose of evaluating and revising our moral theories, but she opine that philosophers have been unable to deal with this issues that the agents face in moral dilemmas.
For a particular state of affairs to be called a moral dilemma, the agent is faced with the issues of moral significance. The term dilemma means difficult to solve. It is therefore a datum, that choice which itself has solution is faced with the challenge of choosing between two mutually exclusive, equally attractive options, this limitation of choosing between the two is not as a result of the agent’s inability to reason, his psychological state and his weakness, though these are separate issues that cannot be overlooked. From the preceding, Ann presents to us that the limitations of the agent to choose between two enthralling but attractive options does not emerge as a result of the agent’s initial moral misconduct or prior experiences that fail to recognize the rules and features of morality, rather, the inescapability of this difficulty or predicament seems inherent human beings and as well it shows the definitive or connotation of genuine moral dilemma.

Though most philosophers have been concerned with the truth or falsehood of the logical and metaphysical claims about whether genuine moral dilemmas are possible, it may be worth considering the plausibility of a more modest claim, the claim that there are in fact few, if any moral dilemmas. This time around the philosophers embark on adopting a method called STRATEGY OF RETROSOECTIVE ASSESSMENT. This particular strategy involves the attempt to tender a disinterested, after the fact assessment of the agent’s options and their values seem to have a lot to commend it. The content of knowing the possibility of genuine moral dilemmas cannot be known prior to or independently of experience, in other words, cannot be proven by the nature of the agent’s moral experience. It is further expressed that the adoption of strategy of retrospective assessment enables the philosophers to alarm on the importance of being sensitive to the differences and complexities of the actual circumstances surrounding the emergence of a genuine moral dilemma.
It is by this strategy that they are capable of explaining the reason behind the agent’s belief that these circumstances make up a genuine moral dilemma, and as well point out the reason why the agent’s impressions were mistaken. It is equally expressed that the strategy of retrospective assessment draws some of their plausibility from our recognition of the superior epistemic value of after the fact analyses. This directly implies that the retrospection on an agent’s difficulty or unpleasant situation can be done in series of respect that are superior to the actual condition of the agent’s when deliberating or taking an action. This approach is more clearer and well informed than that of the agent’s, this is strictly because the other person’s retrospection is free from confusing state of mind.
It has come to a greater awareness that the method of retrospective assessment is familiar and intuitively plausible. This has enhances a greater comprehensive nature of human phenomena or simply put, the difficulty in the science of human nature that moral dilemmas seizure.
This same method also uncovers the fact that the mistakes of human are as a result of not being able to see beyond themselves, and this proposed the retention of ignorance and low epistemic values.
To Ann Davis, a mature reflective agent who cultivates a retrospective habit sees his past and that of others, therefore holding to that fact that his problem which seemed unsolved was as a matter of time and as well such problem is a finite one for that matter. Therefore, with the adoption of retrospective assessment method, we stand to voice out at the face of moral matters, most especially, the experience of dilemmas which seem insoluble with great consequence does not provide grounds for supposing that there are indeed genuine moral dilemmas.
Davis presents more affirmative answer to the question of whether there is possibility of genuine moral dilemmas, by taking into consideration the experiences of morally serious adults or mature human beings. What she tend to explain is that a logical implication and moral cannot dig out the reality behind the agent’s moral situations, rather a closer look into the agent’s situation and experience help to fish out the agent’s predicament.
Ann Davis preferred to end this write up by stating the fact that looking at some experiences of some morally serious adults; we seem to find some grounds for an affirmative. As well there could be a resemblance of genuine moral dilemmas, when a keen look and special considering or attention is paid on the agent’s particular circumstances, deliberations and on the phenomenology of moral difficult choices. Therefore, Ann Davis says “Yes I believe it is true that if we appeal to the moral experience of mature human beings, and to what might be called moral common sense, we will be inclined to conclude that there are genuine moral dilemmas.
Davis thereby back up her claim by considering the menace of September 11, 2011 at the world trade center, of which two good friends called Bob and Ted are victims of this. Unfortunately, these two good friends were in the twenty eight floor of the WTC when the first hijacked plane struck the office located closely to the tower. Over thousands of people were running for survive through an exit, in this plethora of situation for the survival of life. Unfortunately Ted is a fat man who was under medical care and attached on him are the heavy medical equipment and to get him out would require the hands of about six able persons apart from his good friend Bob. In this critical situation, what would Bob have to do? Knowing fully well that his survival is important those who liked him and as well his family members, thereby leaving him would be a betrayer of true friendship, and a well staying to struggle for the life of Ted could also cause him his life and as well the life of that Ted. Summarily, Bob chose to remain with Ted. This decision shows the kind of person Bob was, but the significance of Bob’s decision describes the situation as a genuine moral dilemma, which showcase a link of his moral identity. This is a very serious issue in which neither of the choices was truly identifiable as the better or morally preferable.



 HERESY: Heresy is an opinion or belief that contradicts an established religious teaching. It is a theological doctrine or system that is officially rejected and condemned as false by ecclesiastical authority. It is any religious doctrine opposed to the dogma of a particular church, and a false teaching against the church.

APOLOGIST: This is a title of honour bestowed on one well versed in Christian doctrine and capable of defending it against attacks. It refers to Christian writers of the second century who defended the doctrines of Christianity and they defended the accusations and charges leveled against the church. They are the early Christian writers of the 2nd century who refuted the pagan accusations against the church.

ARIANISM: An influential heresy denying the divinity of Christ, originating with the Alexandrian priest Arius (circa 250-circa 336). Arianism maintained that the son of God was created by the father and was therefore neither co-eternal with the father, nor consubstantial.

MONOPHYSITISM: From the Greek “monos” meaning “one” and “physics” meaning “nature”; mono-physitism is an erroneous or heretical view concerning the nature of Jesus Christ. A Christological position that Christ has only one nature, as opposed to the chalcedonian position which holds that Christ has two natures, one divine and one human. There are two major doctrines that can indisputably be called Monophysite (Eutychianism and Apollnarianism).

NESTORIANISM: The doctrine that there were two separate persons, one human and one divine, in the incarnate Christ. It is named after Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople (428-31) and was maintained by some ancient churches of the Middle East. A small Nestorian church still exists in Iraq.

DUALISM: This is a doctrine that the world (or reality) consists of two basic, opposed, and irreducible principles of good and evil that account for all that exists. Dualism means the belief in two supreme opposed powers or gods, or sets of divine or demonic beings that caused the world to exist. Dualism is a view that reduces reality to two equally primordial and mutually opposed principles. This is a doctrine that asserts that the forces of good and evil are co-equal and co eternal.

AGNOSTICISM: The extreme view that knowledge of God is impossible, even with the aid of revelation, is the latest form of religious agnosticism, with special reference to theology, is a name for any theory which denies that it is possible for man to acquire knowledge of God. It may assume either a religious or anti-religious form, as it is confined to a criticism of rational knowledge or extended to a criticism of belief.

GNOSTICISM: A prominent heretical movement of the 2nd century Christian church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esotericknowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit.

MARCIONISM: Marcionism was an early heresy led by marcion who proposed the first canon of Christian texts. The proposed canon consisted of the Gospel of Luke and several of Paul’sepistles; however, marcion edited the writings by deleting any references that appeared to approve of the Old Testament and the creator God of the Jews. Marcionism thus rejected the Old Testament God, claiming that Jesus represented the true sovereign God who was different from the God of the Hebrew people.

Donatism includes a group of extremist seets, mostly in North Africa that emphasized asceticism and they valued martyrdom and found lapses of faith(even under torture or threat of death) inexcusable. The heresy involved their contention that the sacraments required a priest of pure moral character to be effective and only the pure (who has no lapsed under persecution) should be allowed in the church. They were opposed by Augustine of Hippo.

Pelagianism is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special divine aid. This is named after British monk Pelagius(354-420) although he denied, at least at some point in his life, many of the doctrines associated with his name, Pelagius taught that the human will as created with its abilities by God, was sufficient to live a sinless life.

Certificati to certify or to register that someone is heretical. To attest, witness, approve or even confirm to as the truth or meeting a standard. TURA it means food frankincense divination. While FICATI means; lesser degree exorcists etc. The two join together means lesser degrees of exorcism or medication.

This is an extreme form of monophysism; it asserts that Jesus Christ has two natures before the hypostatic union which was fused into one at his incarnation. This heretic teaching affirms only the divine nature of Jesus and denies his human nature, thereby denying the title of our lady as “theotokos”. This doctrine holds that the human nature of Jesus was fully absorbed into his divine nature at incarnation. This is an extreme form of monophysism.

 This is a heretical teaching that in Jesus Christ a divine nature took the place of the rational human soul and mind or mind of Christ and that the body of Christ was a spiritualized and glorified form of humanity. This doctrine heed that the divine logos embodied in human flesh but that Jesus had only one nature, a fourth century heresy that asserts that Jesus had a human body and human soul but no human mind.

 This is a doctrine that preaches moral and ascetical rigorism. This doctrine denies the power of the church to forgive sins. This doctrine claims to be the oracle of the Holy Spirit and a possessor of true charismatic qualities and they believe that post baptismal sins could not be forgiven.