Tuesday, May 10, 2016


                                                                                                ELUSIYAN TOLU’ FRANCIS
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people” CHARLES D` SOUZA.
“ A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is even being filled but is always still, can only achieve peace and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires” BHAGVAD GITA.


            Life is a big challenge, and an unpredictable domain. Who is unaware of it? You discuss it, it’s a challenge. You share it, it’s a challenge. You manage it, it’s a challenge. You care for it, it’s a challenge. You dream of it, it remains a challenge. Everything about life is a challenge. But we may ask, what are our challenges? There are many challenges facing Nigeria as a country that if we begin to talk of them then, it will be that we are preparing to make a book for publication. But let us just stop and focus on the major happenings, Division among Religion. More lucid among Christians and Muslims.
The incessant religious conflagration between Muslims and Christians is becoming alarming and this should be everyone`s concern. Nigeria as we know is a country that grows spontaneously in despicable vices. Though acclaimed the giant of Africa, what is visible in Nigeria is only a similitude of a pygmy and a dwarf nation that continues to struggle in the pangs of poisonous situations that have continually hindered it growth. Should we now allow religious conflict to be one of the problems faced by Nigeria? If this happen then the country will continues to fall into what I will call total Debacle. Though we know that this crucial pang of dwarfness has eaten into deep into the nation’s fabrics, it affects everything she does and this minimalistic proclivity has thrown the nation into a state of identity crises. Shame means nothing to her anymore to the extent that Christians and Muslims now turn themselves into Christmas chicken. For decades the problem has continued unabated whether during military or civilian regimes. There is no point giving a list here but at the last count, we have had no less than 30 of such crises from 1976 till date. Over the course of the last eight years we have had the government, whether federal state of local to tackle this problem. There has been no planning either by the government or religious bodies to stop this mayhem that has become a Miasma in Nigeria. If we could remember vividly during the regime of General Ibrahim Bababgida, he polarized Muslims and Christians to perpetrate corruption and the evil he brought in Nigeria by using a divide and rule tactics. Many have pointed to the religious difference and intolerance between Christian and Muslims as responsible for these crises. Let us not also forget the 2010 Jos riots between Christians and Muslims ethics group there were bloodshed and this clashes have been characterised as “religious violence.” till today. I am not surprise because Nigeria, a fearless association of people that lacks the essentialities of a country will continue to drown if nothing is done. Or maybe there was never a country!


            Left to me I will say, “let us bury the Hatchet” let unity, peace, harmony, love, order and stability reign amongst us Christians and Muslims, because the very survival of the world itself is perhaps at stake. If Christian and Muslim are not at peace the country cannot be at peace. They both have agreed that the Love of God and Neighbour were the two were the two most important commandments of their faiths. Let us therefore bridge the gap by eradicating every form of hatred and embracing Love.
Love is the fullness of the law, and everyone deserved to be loved. But very often the attitude of mind determines the approach. The attitude can be biased, tainted with doubt or fear or anxiety clothed with suspicion, choked with hate or anger, imbued with greed, or fired with lust. On the other hand, the attitude can be tempered with understanding, consideration and concern for others. One of the greatest values in life lies in our ability to get along with other peoples. When we believe in them we can work with them. When we believe in God, we seek to serve him. When we serve our fellow human beings we serve God. Our faith, therefore, becomes a living dynamics faith-faith in action.
Mother Theresa says “only a life lived for others is a life worth living” but if there are divisions among those who claim to serve the one and true God then there is a contradiction and a serious problem because as different religion worshipping the same God, their shouldn’t be something of such. God entrusted us all with a particular responsibility which is the salvation of souls (salus Anumarum) but, are we saving souls by killing ourselves? Or by shedding our bloods? By fighting and shedding blood, we are missing our major focus as believers, and at the same time offending God for this particular reason Jesus Christ shed his blood to redeem us. Why shed another to condemn ourselves? We must remember that whatever we do becomes a reference point for future generation, and if we continue this way, would there be a future for young ones? For if we live in criticism, we learn to condemn; if we live with hostility, we learn to fight. If we live with shame, we learn to feel guilty. If we live in tolerance, we learn to be patient. If we live with encouragement, we learn confidence.
And lastly if we live with acceptance and friendship, we learn to find love among ourselves. In the Gospel of (Matt 5:14) Jesus says “you are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden”. And that is exactly what we are; we are the light for the whole world and also a city which is on the hill.
The second Vatican council has encouraged Christians to live together peacefully with Muslims. Other church documents state that dialogue and proclamation are not contradictory but are two aspects of an integrated witness to faith.  Whatever we do cannot be hidden, then let us come together and share our paradoxes. Nigeria as a country is beset with myriads of challenges searching for solutions. Instead of us being divided, let us come together and use our faith, our religion and our prayer to solve the problem of our dear country.
 There is a Golden rule given to us by Jesus Christ which says “do to others what you would like others to do to you”. No one is willing to die either for his neighbour or at his own appropriate time. This same idea is a familiar ethical principle in many Cultures. Buddhists says “hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful”. Confucianism says: “is there one maxim which ought to be acted upon throughout one’s whole life? Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness.
 Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you” Hinduism says “this is the sum of duty: do not unto others which would because you pain if done to you”. But do we realise how much pains we have caused for ourselves and the future of our children? Islam says: “no one of you is a believer until he desires for his brothers that which he desires for himself”. What is it that we desire for ourselves? Is it joy or sorrow?  These words communicate the same meaning. When we put the Golden rule into practice, we not only make this a happier world by contributing to the good order of our country but we become more attractive persons ourselves and an example to emulate. If everyone followed the Golden rule there would be no prisons and no more crime. We wouldn’t have to lock our doors at night. There would be no violence, no bloodshed, no wars and no division. People would live as God intended and there would be great happiness in the land. Therefore, fellow believers I charge you all to wake up from your slumber of enmity for it will lead us nowhere but doom and let us put these above writings to heart. Permit me to conclude with the words of the book “bread for the Journey” Life is unspeakable. We can be happy one day and the next, healthy one day and sick the next, rich one day and poor the next, alive one day and dead the next. So who is there to hold on to? Who is there to feel secure with? Who is there to trust at all times? Only Jesus Christ our rock, our brother, our guide and our friend.

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