affects a man as deeply as an encounter with a woman who has womanly qualities.
Let me say, those women you are looking at, they have lost what they ultimately
want while skirmishing over the reward of recognition. What is all this
bullshit?... feminism everywhere! Even in academic sphere you see feminism,
feminist epistemology, and feminist ds, feminist that...... what is it? Women
or feminist...listen to me, when you lose your selves as women and begin to
force your selves to develop muscles you are not designed to have, your
internal and rational system suffer! Hence you will continue to be an object of
problem! A cacophony of confusion to our changing world.....nonsense!
Actually the evolution and incessant agitations of the feminine gender for
recognition and relevance is not as miasmic as you think bro. I am not a
feminist and intend being none, but the world has been too patriarchal and
manly. Lets give them trial and see whether there could be ‘an end to
history’....£ fukuyama£ conception£
them chance or not..... Since the emergence of this wagonic idea called
feminism... The world had been transported to a state of Hopelessness and we
are all dancing to our own dirges! let me say, they are only advocating for
nothing, they don’t have to be heard everywhere, after all men are not
everywhere. Looking at it meticulously you would agree with me that men and
women can never be the same, even though there are scriptural back up to that!
Because to me scriptural analyses is not enough! After all we are giving them
the chance but instead of them to make use of it, they prefer clamouring for
what is not.... why can’t we consign them to flame and forget about the whole
enterprise of feminism....
David Hume at work in you! Treating the proposal of feminism like an empty Shabuoth
cannot proffer lasting and concrete panacea to argument against
androcentricism. We still have some of them that are really apt in decision
making and governance, like the president of Brazil is trying better than our
erstwhile indecisive primus buhari. There seems to be a light at the dark
tunnel powered by the feminine gender.
F. ELUSIYAN: Bros i beg
iiiii:.o jere.. President of Brazil is one out of many, so that can never be
the paradigm to follow, simply because these things are not done indisputably.
Feminism i will continue to say is a fog of mentality that cannot withstand
critical examination. Revolution is done with a spectacular kind of
rigorousness. It is not a sheer naked flaunting of naive, precarious and
wobbled ideas about a subject matter. It is indeed coloured with interior
motive, let me say, the treatise could hence be described as a sociological
hilarity, amusement and announcement. It is an intentional smugness labelled
with theme of defamation, ludicrousness, pride and unimportant legacies. Truth
be told! Feminism is just a penchant for personal nomenclature and as such it
should be jettisoned!
you lose yourself as woman (even as a man) and begin to force yourself to
develop muscles you are not designed to have, your internal and rational system
suffers! ‘I feel that is the height of the write up. That is a good statement’
Thank you FAMOROTI....You got it
right, that is the know why?
Because God who is awesome and all knowing, he has a divine plan for his
creatures. So he must necessarily has a reason for creating women the way they
are. Whenever women begin to fight and advocate for themselves all in the name
of feminism which solely based on gender quality, they are rejecting the will
and plan of God.... and as such it is nonsensical.
Well as much as i agree with that expression as stated by FAMOROTI, I still don’t think it’s right to totally dismiss the
idea of feminism. Feminism as we know, doesn’t have to be radical, it could
simply be a movement which seeks to resolve the problem of female subjugation
and male chevenunism. Humanity is two natures, man and woman and the share this
humanity equally. Women should therefore not be regarded to the background;
they should be given equal chances of development. In this light, i support the
movement of feminism. At least i don’t want my sister to not be able to reach
the height of her endeavours in life simply because she is a woman. Women have suffered
a lot ranging from rape, prostitution, genital mutilation, lack of education
etc. But even with the above being the case I still do agree that a lot of irrationality
has crept into this thought of feminism hat women now clamour for a right to
alter nature. For example Allison jaggar clamouring for a time when instead of
women, men would get pregnant, sayimg that pregnancy subjugates women. Marriage
types such as those involving women having wives. Women not wanting to domestic
shores, and fool themselves saying ‘ if he loves you he wont let you work’.
Funny that women can clamour for equality or rather prioritization and still
want ‘John’ to pay the bills, or open the car door, or carry you at the
wedding. If women has been i all treated my factors created by humans then we
can and should adjust, but if some women think that the way God created them
limits them, then it means they already agree to subjugation. Thanks ELUSIYAN for this piece, it was
insightful but don’t be too one sided.
FAMOROTI RAPHAEL: Bissong Snatchy Ehisogie has spoken
well, but i need him to support his claims because men have suffered a lot too.
Women rape men, lack of education is not restricted to women alone. What about
the idea of ‘sugar mummies’ feminism in the strict sense is an agitation that
is contra natural. However, i support the fact that the rights of women be
upheld but I stand against feminism. Feminism becomes a waste of time when we,
(men and women) respects our very own strength and weakness. The creator has
made it like that, that women get pregnant and breastfeed. If men try to
breastfeed they will alter nature.
as a follow up to FAMOROTI and BISSONG,
I submit to you that women have lost their hallowed position by trying to
assimilate into what they consider to be a male world. Now before you get all
excited, i would like you to hear me out. God did not design a man’s world.
God’s design for the world was man and woman working together in peaceful
harmony, building one another up and promoting each other to good works, namely
our God given assignments on the earth, that others would observe the fruits of
our lives and give glory to God. Women lost it when they failed to recognize
their own unique power. Instead they got locked into a power struggle that
never existed from God’s vantage point. Struggling to get the credit for
something I still cannot figure out, they put men on the defensive, and that
put them on the defensive. Now, with everyone defending themselves, we are all
losing ground. Let me say, it is time to take off the boxing gloves and allow
God to redistribute his first commission to us, man and woman both in power
because of their status as complementary partners. For women who have chosen to walk in the spiritual
dimension, it behooves you all to understand kingdom principles in the light of
who you are and who you were meant to be as women....say no to feminism...if it
has contributed nothing to the development of mankind!
should understand that speaking against feminism s a whole mean speaking
against the good part of it also, the rights of our mothers to a good life.
Feminism in the strict sense means a movement for an support of women’ rights.
Feminism has a good part, and for that good part i am a feminist, but for
radical feminism which presents all those odd things that alter nature, that am
against. At this juncture we are saying the same thing FAMOROTI. I understand men undergo these things but we cannot lie
about the fact that it is on the very minute bases. It happens on a 5 out of
100 percentage calculation. The females are actually the most affected by this.
This doesn’t however give them a right to be irrational.
post. But if you gonna be heard by all. You must try to clarify concepts and
not put all the eggs into one basket. I am not oblivious of the evils being
perpetrated under the guise of feminism. (i can’t be oblivious of the obvious
especially when the obvious is precarious...bro Francis, HOD PHIL. But i wouldn’t make the famous mistake of
throwing away the child with the bath water.
With all of life pressures surrounding us, how do we find our way back to the
garden! How do we get back to the place of women being women and men being men
and nobody minding? How do we return to celebrating our differences and making
them work for all of us? The serpent has woven an intricate lie into fabric of
our existence. He has made us believe that if we are not ‘as’ another, then we
are ‘less’ than other. What a ridiculous concept! A naira bill has the same
value as a naira coin, doesn’t it? Each will buy the same thing. So men use
authority while women use influence. Men are calculating while women are
instinctual. Men are fixers while women are nurturers. I could go on and on
with the comparisons, but the bottom line is that both elements of what a man
has to offer and what a woman has to offer are just as vital as the other to
the existence of all....let me also say, Feminity is definitely strength under
control. Feminity is strength wrapped in a velvet glove. It doesn’t insist on
its own way, but most of the time gets it. So what is so awful about just being
a woman? Women listen, humility is not a humble and say no to
feminism! Its not helping matters...i must say.
Yeah...i am enjoying this...i swear it is better than the cinema....lolz
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