Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The concepts Organization, Institution, Group and Association have long existed ever since man exists. But it is very consequential to note that many people all over the ages seems to be confused about the difference between Organization, Institution, Group and Association, Or rather been able to distinguish among them. Some say that Organization is the same thing as Group, while institution is also the same as association or vice-versa. Many scholars down the ages have tried to define these four concepts, so has to make people understand the difference between them, and to be able to make use of them appropriately in sphere they find themselves. For the purpose of this paper we shall be elucidating and distinguishing among the concept Organization, Institution, Group and Association, what some scholars have said about them and how people can understand them better.

Gordon, et al. (1990) defined an Organization as “two or more people working together in a coordinated manner to achieve group results.” The Encyclopedia Britannica further defined it as “an arrangement of individuals or group into a coherent whole; with complex or functional interrelationship and a system of overall administration” it was Daft who says that organizations are entities that has a direct goal which are deliberately structured. Chester Barnard defined Organization as a “system of consciously coordinated activities or efforts of two or more persons” The word organization is from the Greek word Organon, which means “organ.” There are a variety of legal types of organization, including corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnership, cooperatives, and universities. In every organization, structure is very important that is (organization structure) because it the frame work around which the group is organized, and the underpinnings which keep the coalition functioning. All organization has a management structure that determines relationship between the different activities and the members, and subdivided and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open system; they affect and are affected by their environment
An organization can also be categorized as either closed or open systems by which a closed system does not depend on its environment; it is autonomous, enclosed and sealed off from the outside world. On the other hand, an open system must interact with the environment to survive; it both consumes resources and exports resources to the environment. Organization is communication, teamwork, response time, customer service, marketing, branding, social responsibility, attention to detail, systems, leadership, governance, strategic planning, performance measurement, information technology, product development, innovation, employee retention or supplier relationship.

This can be define according to Robbins as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve a particular objectives. Also, Monday et al (1990), said a group is defined as two or more people having unifying relationship, such as common goals or physical proximity.  Groups are a fundamental part of a social life. They can be very small, just two people or very large. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a whole, but there are also significant problems and dangers with them. All this makes them an essential focus for research, exploration and action. In a group a set of people engage in frequent interactions. They identify with one another, they are defined by others as a group, and they share beliefs, values, and norms about areas of common interest. From this we suggest that groups are intended and organic. They are not some random experience and as a result they have three crucial characteristics:
Ø  There are parts
Ø  There is relationship between the parts
Ø  There is an organizing principle
Groups assist people, it develop people’s skill. Though, people join groups for different reasons. It may be for security, popularity, affiliation, status, self-esteem, power etc.

Though in day to day discourses, the term institution very often used as a synonym to the word association still there exists a great deal of differences between Association, Institution, Group and organization. Human beings form association to fulfill his aims and objectives. Along with this he forms some rules, regulations and procedures which are known as Institution.
Association refers to an organized group of people having definite aims. State, flood relief association, political party is examples of association. Association lacks stability and temporary in nature. Association represents human aspects because it comprised of human beings. When a group of people organized themselves to fulfill some specific aims association is formed. Associations are concrete in nature because it has its own form. Associations are things and denote membership. Associations are formed to fulfill man’s needs and necessities. Association is an organized group, it has specific name by which it is known. Association exercises control in a formal way, and has a legal status.

Institution is often used for universities and it also a general and abstract political meaning. They are forms of procedures and way of doing things. For example college, marriage, family etc. are the example of institution. Institution is stable and permanent in nature. It refers to a social condition of conduct and behavior because; it consists of rules, regulations, laws and procedures. They are also abstract in nature because it does not have a concrete design and have no form. Institutions are mode or ways of service or ways of doing things. Men form association and live in it but he acts through institution. In other words institution gives life to association. It grows naturally and spontaneously, and also refers to organized way of doing things and a procedure of working. Institution do not have name rather it identifies itself through a symbol which may be material or non-material, it exercises control in an informal ways and do not have any legal status. It can’t sue or be sued. It is standard on its own.

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