Tuesday, May 10, 2016


                                                                                                             ELUSIYAN TOLU’ FRANCIS
 What is prophecy? Why did God reveal so much about the future through his prophets? What are God’s reasons for wanting us to understand the prophecies? Sometimes a child will stare out of a window for a moment of an hour, deciphering the future from a dusky summer sky. Does he imagine that some wisp of cloud reveals the signature of things to come? Or that the world’s a book we learn to transfer? And sometimes a girl stands naked by a mirror imagine beauty in a stranger’s eyes, finding a place where fear leads to desire. For what is prophecy but the first inkling of what we ourselves must call into being? The call need not be large, no voice in thunder. It is not so much what spoken as what’s heard and recognized, of course. The gift is listening and hearing what is only meant for you.
Life has its mysteries, annunciations, and some must wear a crown of thorns. I found my via dolorosa in your love. And sometimes we proceed by prophecy, or not at all, even if only to know what destiny require us to renounce.
We all our curious about the future and what’s in store for us personally! And our loving creator doesn’t want his people to be in the dark and to be worried with fear of the unknown. So he inspired the bible so it can be our guidebook and map for our life’s journeys. Bible prophecy and even prophetic messages does indeed satisfy much curiosity about the future, but God has greater purposes than just that. They have wonderful spiritual purpose!
During the last two or three decades we have heard more concerning the present fulfilment of prophecy than at any time during the Christian centuries. It is true that for certain types of mind, the prophetic word has a special attraction. These portions of the scriptures have therefore been the happy hunting ground of many who have desired to learn about the future, but it seems that in last few decades, the interest in the study of prophecy has been heightened.
By and large our concern in this discourse is not to critically expose the nature of prophecy but to examine the role of prophecy in general and this shall be run open under the following thematic outline:

This is a statement that something will happen in the future,especially one made by some body with religious or magic powers or the power of being able to say what will happen in the future[1].
A prophecy could be a prediction that directly or indirectly causes it self to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy it self, due to positive feedback between belief and behaviour. Although examples of such prophecies can be found in literature as far back as ancient Greece and ancient india, it is 20th century sociologist reobert k merton who is credited with coining the expression ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ and formalizing its structure and consequences[2]. In his 1948 article self-fulfilling prophecy, merton defines it in the following terms:
                        ‘the self fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come true. This specious validity of prophecy pertpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning[3].’
In other words a positive or negative prophecy, strongly held belief, or delusion, declared as truth when it is actually false, may sufficiently influence people so that their reactions ultimately fulfil the once-false prophecy.
Sometimes prophecy could be effects in behavioural confirmation effect, in which behaviour, influenced by expectations causes those expectations to come true.
According to Thomas theorem which sate that:
            ‘If men define situations as real, they are in their consequences[4]
According to thomas, people react not only to the situations they are in, but also, and often primarily, to the way they perceive the situations and to the meaning they assign to these perceptions. Therefore, their behaviour is determined in part by their perception and the meaning they ascribe to the situations they are in, rather than by the situations themselves. Once people convince themselves that a situation really has a certain meaning, regardless of whether it actually does, they will take very real actions in consequences.
Haven clarify our scepticism in the previous discourse we shall now examine critically the role of prophecy in general which is the major concern of this work.  An interest in this portion of the scriptures normally indicates a healthy spiritual condition, a desire to know more perfectly what God has received. An absence of this desire to study the predictions of the word is indicative of an abnormal growth or distorted or perverted ideas regarding the truth. Something therefore is radically wrong with the person who is not concerned about the prophecies.
In certain fundamental circles, there have been found much guessing and speculation, which have brought disrepute upon the study of prophecy and which have caused thinking men and women, seeing what glaring errors have been made by amateur expositors of the prophectic word, come to the conclusion that it is impossible for anyone to interpret prophecy correctly. They therefore, wishing to avoid errors, devote their time to those portions of the word and those matters mentioned therein about which there need not be any guessing or speculation. But it would interest you to know that, prophecy play alot of roles:
Prophecy help confirm that the Bible is God’s word. Because of the requirements noted earlier, true prophets of God often predicted near future events so that, when their predictions came true, people would know that the person was a true prophet of God and that his message concerning the presnt proved accurate, we too may have  confidence that, whether fortelling or forthelling, the words  of the biblical prophets are God’s word.[5]
Biblical predictions encourage our belief that God is sovereign over the affairs of men. Fulfilled predictions prove that God indeed can set up nations and take them down, use powerful men to accomplish his purposes, and tell us in advance exactly what is going to happen[6].
Biblical predictions about events still in the future, motivate us to be very vigilant and be committed to our faith. Jesus  who commanded, ‘Be on guard! Be laert! You do not know when time will come’ (mark 13:33) and also instructed, ‘now  learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twinges get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door ‘mark 28, 29.[7]
The knowledge of the prophecy can also help us to interpret world and events and it could help us to be courageous when hardship comes.
By way of conclusion on the account of this discourse, one would see that prophecy has it own role but sometimes it affect the psychology of the people such people act towards what has been prophesied. In fact people seems not to believe in prophetic message again because of so many fake clergy in our society who speak out false prophetic message and who misinterpret the scriptural prophetic messages and this is evident in WOLE SOYINKA’S novel ‘THE TRIALS OF BRO JERO’ where prophet jero is presented to the reader as a rogue who manipulates and keeps his gullible followers in a subservient position for he is able to read from their minds what they long for. Thus when the play opens, we see brother jero claiming that he is a prophet by birth and by inclination and tries as much as possible to convince people that although there are many prophet but that they are not the same. The prophet then uses pun to show that ‘eggs is eggs’ which means in English ‘they are all the same’. He keep people dissatisfied; for once they are satisfied they will leave him. He believes that as long as they are unhappy, worried and dissatisfied, they will continually seek his service for prophesying. This is contrary to the message of freedom and choice that Christianity spells to its followers. Brother jero’s philosophy of keeping people dissatisfied and helpless does not conform to basic Christian ethics. Wole Soyinka uses the protagonist to show that the attitude of some religious leaders negate to a greater extent what they prophesy, in fact some can change the prophetic message to suit their needs. By so doing people lose interest in prophecy and prophecy continue to fade away like a wash hand basin.

[1] Oxford advanced learner’s Dictionary 8th Edition
[2] Wikipedia.com, retreieved 4/12/2015
[3] Merton Rober ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ Antioch review 8 1948, www.wikipedia.com,retreieved 4/12/2015
[4] Thomas W.I ‘The child in America: behaviour  problems and programs’ New Yorrk, 1928.pg 572
[5] Keith hunt ‘Benefits of prophecy’ pdf pg176
[6] ibid
[7] ibid

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